When it comes to applying for a Tax File Number (TFN), applicants are giving a partnership between the ATO and Australia Post their tick of approval.

In 2014, more than 110,000 people chose the simplicity of completing an online form, printing out a summary and taking it to one of 460 participating post offices around Australia with their ID.

Within 28 days, their TFN was in the post, saving them time and trouble.

The ATO’s Sally Druhan says it’s just another example of their commitment to cutting red tape and making dealing with the ATO much easier for taxpayers.

“We’re receiving more than 270 applications a day through our partnership with Australia Post and, even with the projected spike in applications during January and February, we’ll have no problems coping with the demand.

Sally says it’s those starting out in the workforce and students enrolling for tertiary education and training drive the expected surge in applications.

“Without a TFN, your employer, your super fund and your bank, will withhold tax at the top marginal rate.

“And students need a TFN to apply for the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP).”

To save yourself time and money by applying for your TFN through Australia Post,go to ato.gov.au/TFNapply.